Transfer-Wk 17,Wed.-Too busy to talk

I haven't posted for a while have I? I've been "Too busy to talk" ... get it? I stutter .. and I've been busy. ;-) Weak sense of humour eh?
The little girl above is the big reason why. She was born on Friday, wieghing in at 7lbs 10ozs. Hopefully she won't stutter. She's very cool. :D
I haven't practiced my speech therapy in about a week. However, I did manage to go 3-4 days of hanging out at a hospital without a single person asking me if I was having a stroke ... so that's a big improvement. ;-)
Not meant as advice, please find a qualified therapist if you are interested in similar therapy.
Congrats on the new addition!
Thanks guys.
awwww, shes so cute :) Congarts :D - meng
Thanks Meng. ;)
"The detective got the gun away from said stuttering psycho by mocking his speech."
Yeah, that's nice isn't it?
Do the writers & thier audience get a kick out of pointing others weaknesses in an effort to benefit from the percieved contrast? Do they feel better about themselves when seeing somebody they percieve as inferior?
I think so.
And I think that's the weakness.
But you know, personally, I'm really not too offended by stuff like this.
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