FYI: 13 Observations about people who stutter
I just ran across this list of character traits observed about people who stutter. Much of what he says accurately reflects how I feel about my own feelings (not other stutterers).
by John Harrison
I am a bit conflicted about trait number 2 though.
In my early 20's I had just graduated from vocational school into a recession, with construction training (aka-no jobs). Welcome to the working world, I'd have been just as far ahead if I quit high school and spent the last 5 years pumping gas. And my speech deteriorated to the worst ever. [so I agree]
But within a year, I discovered something else, resulting in; more drive, passion, and purpose than any other time in my life. But my speech was still really bad, and has never improved to the point where it was before finishing school. Even now, where I have some control, if I don't control it, it's bad. [so I disagree]
However, having said all this, it's a Canadian generalization that we will appologise to somebody who bumps into us. Unless we're on skates, of course, then it's the butt end of a hockey stick to the ribs. ;-)
So maybe the passivity mentioned above is a Canadian thing. Maybe John Harrison was surrounded by Canadian stutterers. ;-)
Not meant as advice, please find a qualified therapist if you are interested in similar therapy.
I disagree with the entire list. I cannot imagine applying all of these 13 traits to every stutterer I have met.
Over the last 11 years, being involved in the PFSP at the EVMS in Norfolk, I have probably met 75 people (patients, interns and Ross Barrett, the director) who stutter. These were not just quick meetings - this was spending an entire week with a small group of people, pretty much talking to them 9+ hours a day. The closest thing to a common trait I have ever noticed in the stutterers I have met in this setting, is that most everyone has a very high desire to succeed in life.
P.S. I am sorry to hear that the Tidbit Transfer did not go as well as hoped. However, if you keep putting this kind of effort into your therapy, good things will happen.
"I disagree with the entire list. I cannot imagine applying all of these 13 traits to every stutterer I have met."
I can respect that.
Broad generalizations are dangerous ... and probably a bad idea to put on my blog.
While I do feel generalizations often contain some degree of accuracy, each individual must be judged on thier own merits as if the generalization does not apply.
Also, when I said "It accurately reflects my own feelings for the most part.", I was talking about how I feel. Not how I see other stutterers.
And it's not how I ussually feel now, but as a kid ... yeah, he totally felt like he had no rights. I guess in some instances, there are times I still do.
I went through the list and slowly analyzed each observation very thoughtfully. I think most of them apply to me (mild plosive sound stutterer but severe anxiety about stuttering). This list probably can be generalized to non-stutters too but gives me a nice reflection of what I am and a lot of pondering to do.
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