Thursday, June 08, 2006

Transfer-Wk 31,Thurs-Break from Toastmasters & PFSP Mini Refresher

2 things:
  1. I’m taking a break from Toastmasters for a while. I seem to have forgotten my goals were originally to push my controlled fluency out of my comfort zone. But lately, I’m using spontaneous fluency more often with mixed results. Whether I’m stuttering or not, is irrelevant since speaking fluently without control is just as counter productive as stuttering.
    So, I will be taking a break from it until I get my act together again. Perhaps I’ll try the Toastmasters for People With a Stutter … if I can get downtown at that time.

  2. I’m going to a PFSP mini-refresher tomorrow (Friday). I’m pretty excited about it, and definitely need it. I will try to post something tomorrow evening to let you know how it went.


  1. Sorry I haven't posted anything on that yet. I think I'll have some time this evening, to talk about it.
